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Tiffany Lewis

Star Consultant

My Story

Let me start off by telling you a little bit about myself and my family, and what Scentsy has done for us!!! I am a wife and mother of two beautiful daughters and son in law. We live in a very rural community is Missouri and good paying jobs are hard to come by. When I was introduced to the Scentsy opportunity, I had no real previous "sales" experience. The amazing thing with this company is, THE PRODUCTS SELL THEMSELVES!! I knew very soon after joining this company, I would go places, and help other people go places as well. I LOVE THIS COMPANY!!! I have been asked Why do you sell Scentsy?? My answer is simple, I love the products and this company has and will continue to help me meet the financial stability that our family deserves. It is not always easy to get where you want to go, but getting there is half the fun!! If you have ever thought about joining Scentsy, I would be glad to help you along the way!!! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and I look forward to meeting with you!!! Warm-Enliven-Inspire Tiffany Lewis  

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